Retreat Part 2: Repositioning Life as Beloved Royal Heirs
It felt like it would never come. In April 2013, when I set the date for Part 2 of the Reclaim Identity retreats, Reposition, for February 2014, it felt light-years away. As the time drew closer, my anticipation intensified for what God would do at the gathering of thirsty people who already knew their identity.
Retreat Part 2: Reposition
Registrations came in. Soon we were up to 24: a full house, with many people traveling in from distant locations and some coming locally from Santa Rosa. Since we had experienced the Reclaim Identity Retreat Part 1 together, I knew how each registrant represented one who is dearly loved!
The day arrived! As our Reclaim family and friends streamed through the door, I knew it would truly be a slice of heaven to worship and pursue Jesus’ training for reigning!
Our first dinner together was a joyful celebration. We shared how our lives had shifted since the first retreat. We experienced a complete move out of our ‘orphan’ orientation and into our position in our Father’s house. We were now experiencing life as beloved children, repositioning to live in our inheritance!
Teaching: 5-Fold Ministry Gifts
We all took the 5-fold ministry gifts survey (based on Ephesians 4). Click link to view 5-fold survey. We divided up according to our top ministry gift or role: apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher or evangelist. Interestingly, each ministry role had 5 people in their group, except the evangelists who only had two. This is often true because evangelists like to find themselves out among the lost so they can share the love of their heavenly father.
When each group met, it was like “birds of a feather flocking together!”
- Friendships went deeper.
- Understanding of the strengths and challenges of each role increased.
- Commitments to be more faithful in our roles deepened.
Teaching: Writing Decrees
One of the most important areas of equipping in the “Accepting the Scepter” is to learn to write decrees because our enemy is continually decreeing against us. (See Chapter 10: Invitation to Reign in Identity Crisis: Reclaim the True You for more information.)
The book of Esther is invaluable for giving us clear direction of how vital this part of reigning with Christ is. Esther was sent into the palace to intercede for her people, the Jews, as well as write kingly decrees to save her people. We are to do the same.
Everyone was given the assignment to write a personal decree. The five-fold groups also gathered to write a joint decree over an area where God was giving them a burden. It was a gift to see each group listening to King Jesus, and responding with his direction.
Fellowship & Healing Experiences
Each night when we gathered to celebrate before dinner, our celebrations went deeper in appreciating how God had called us into kingdom partnership with himself, as well as giving us the practical training.
The testimonies of his healing also increased. One woman was completely healed of arthritis she’d lived with since she was 11. Another retreat participant’s jaw popping stopped immediately upon receiving prayer. Long carried heartaches were touched by God and replaced with joy. Another beloved child in God’s family was able to identify and step out of living in religion (religious rule following) and step into living in the Spirit.
A Royal Send-Off
Thursday is always the day we celebrate what God has done amongst us. Our royal send-off started with reading our 5-fold decrees, as the rest of us agreed with them in Jesus’ name. Then each person read their personal decree, received prophetic ministry, and celebrated the breakthroughs they stepped into during their “training for reigning!”
Saying goodbye was difficult. The support and challenge each of us received was invaluable for living a life of identity as beloved children in our heavenly Father’s home, and reigning as heirs with the King of the Universe.
However, we all look forward to the Reclaim Retreat Part 3: Revive!