Make the Trade: Move from the Orphan Spirit to the Spirit of Adoption

Replace Fear with Faith

Humanity has been in an identity crisis since the first days in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve decided to listen to the temptation of the serpent to not trust God in his character or provision, they moved from being beloved children to hiding behind a bush in fear.

Fear robs of us of life.  Fear takes our security away.  Fear keeps us from moving to our true purpose. Fear overwhelms us and shuts us down. Fear keeps us as orphans, enslaved to our dark and dreary life.

Jesus came to set us free from fear and to point us to the reality of our invitation to be adopted into God's family to become beloved sons and daughters.

Romans 8:14-15 shows us this truth very clearly:

       "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption."

I bought some bird seed a couple of weeks ago.  I left in the garage and the next morning, the bag was chewed open and the birdseed was everywhere.  I put it into a plastic container and the next morning the plastic had been chewed through to get to the seed.  We have a now I am afraid to go into the garage, in fear that we will find each other!

This is a real fear, but other fears rob us of life in huge ways:

    Fear of failure

    Fear of not having enough (love, money, time, energy, focus, relationship)

    Fear of being abandoned

    Fear of intimacy

    Fear of stepping into our true purpose

Jesus knew we live in fear; this is why he often greated people with "Do not fear."  He told his disciples in the midst of the storm, "Don't be afraid, I am with you."  When we encounter storms in our lives, he says the same.  "I am with you."  We are not fearful slaves, vulnerable and alone, we are adopted children where Jesus acts as our big brother on the playground of life.

He tells us in Hebrews 13:5:

      "I will never leave you, I will never abandon you."

We have a choice.  What will you choose?  Will you continue to live your life in the place of fearful thoughts and decisions? If so, you are living the life of slavery found in Romans 8.  If you are willing to take Jesus' hand, he will lift you up and bring you into the place of perfect love.  Perfect love brings us into God's family as adopted children, loved deeply and protected fully.

Live the life you are invited to live:  trade your orphan spirit for a permenant adoption in God's family as a beloved child!


You are invited to join in a 15 minute daily phone call to focus your identity for the day with scripture, a short reflection and prayer!

    Here's the details:

                7:00 a.m. pacific coast time

                712 432 0800  press code 119914#                          

                announce yourself if first 2 minutes, otherwise, sit back   and enjoy the identity journey!

                put your phone on mute if you are in a noisy place