Join us for three, 8-week focused segments:
Join together for Foundation Building Sessions via live ZOOM video conferencing leading into Community Zoom Breakout Rooms (these will be specific to your personal context and facilitated by one of our dynamic Reclamation Guides).
Starting in September and running through May (with breaks in between).
Each of the three, 8-week segments will be followed up with an Experiential Response Session helping you to reach new depths of relationship, trust, and authority with God.
This experience will impact your life on a daily basis and help you create a legacy of blessing for those who follow after you.
What’s keeping you from taking this important step?
You will experience…
We often live the destructive results of what those in our family lines pass on to us. This results in:
Generational Sins
All of which impact us deeply on an everyday basis resulting in lives of fear, depression, anxiety, and disconnection, from God and those we love.
The good news is that God is actively moving to reveal these often hidden areas to free us from them, so we can experience the fulfilling life He designed us to live!
Imagine, instead of feeling accused and full of shame, experiencing generational blessings and passing them on to future generations making your life impact on a much deeper level.
Sound too good to be true?
It’s not. Now is the time for your reclamation transformation!