Is it Possible to Achieve Your Destiny?



You Can Make Your Whole Life Count


Calls to achieve your dreams and destiny are everywhere these days.  Books come out by the dozen every year: Make your Dreams come True, Destiny:  Step into your Purpose, Walking in Your Prophetic Destiny, 10 Steps to Living Your Vision Now.  

They all sound good and inspirational as we read them, but once they are finished, we often say, “Now what?”

Oh, there may be some really good advice or simple steps to take, but often by the time the new week rolls around, our mind is distracted by the real life situations with our children, or our aging parents, or our financial or physical challenges or maybe all of them with a few more thrown in. 

We often get overwhelmed and our quest for our destiny, the very thing we were created to experience, goes by the wayside; slowly left there to  die.

It is to this challenge, I believe the Lord showed me the vision for the Reclamation Journey.   It is not a one time event or a resource to read; but a compelling vision with a living, breathing community, shared practices and language, and a combination of long term support in the midst of a high level commitment. 

Here’s the good news:  the vision has become a reality  . . . and it works!

After experiencing my “Unlocking the Blocks and Treasures of My Past” prayer time, I am sitting here in awe of how my world has shifted overnight. I realize now that with the amazing support within the Reclamation Journey, I can take the steps to reclaim my life and generational legacy.
— P

We held our second retreat:  “Make your Whole Life Count” last weekend and literally, no one wanted to leave--even though many of them had a plane to catch!  

The taste of heaven was so sweet as we laughed and cried together, worshipped in a “set apart” time Saturday night, shared meals with those who had the same Meyers Briggs personality style, Fivefold (Ephesians 4:11-13), Five Voices, and Redemptive Gift.  

Everyone’s favorite time together was with their “Huddle,” a group of six who normally meet via Zoom.  This enables us to eliminate the need to be in one geographical location; helping us to find others who are like minded and walking in the same direction.  We currently have participants who live on both coasts as well as Canada.

I blogged earlier about the Reclamation Journey as I described the overall vision, process and commitment.  If you aren’t aware of the Reclamation Journey, take a minute to read the blog and the Reclaim Initiative website as you discover that it may just be what you’ve been longing for.

The Reclamation Journey is an answer to my prayer for over a year. The new Kingdom lenses, the encouraging teaching, the consistent support and camaraderie of the participants all combine to give me the courage to pursue the King and His transformational Kingdom ways.
— A

This is what excites me about it:

  • Every participant has a Guide who helps them process the context of their life.  Our focus is not for the participants to adapt to what we are doing, but we come to you and support you in the challenges of your life and dreams!

  • Connections with God are strengthened as we value hearing and experiencing God in the many different ways he interacts with us, and as the Body of Christ in community.  

  • Discovery of our Divine Design and how God invites us to partner with him for the “Reclamation of our Identities, Lives and Destinies.”

  • It’s not a one time retreat, but a 9 month opportunity to fully integrate and implement the practices that will support us as we pursue our dreams of living our birthright and destinies.

  • Teaching is through the lens of the Kingdom Age, making it fresh and provocative, much like the transition the new believers experienced after the Pentecost. 

  • We focus not just on our own lives but how we can impact our generational legacies; including those we know today and those we may not meet until heaven!

  • The community is powerful as we are a people, men and women of all ages, who are walking together to do three things:

    •  Reorientation into the Kingdom Age

    • Development of God’s Identities for us: Beloved Child, Royal Heir and Cherished Bride

    • Reclamation Principles and Practices for our Lives and Generational Legacies

Wow! My Birthright Prayer time was spectacular. I never dreamed that I could experience heaven in such a tangible way, being led to a beautiful treasure box that held the clues and keys to discovering and living my birthright/destiny.
— J

So, is your curiosity peaked? 

Is your heart pounding in anticipation?

Don’t walk away without taking a next step... who knows but that you may have been created for “just such a time as this?”

I’ve had amazing, exhilarating breakthroughs with new awareness and ability to hear God speak. My gifts are being recognized and brought to life as I’m able to get rid of past junk that has kept me stuck.
Starting the Reclamation Journey is the best decision I’ve made in over a decade!
— E

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